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FREE Empowered Makers Online Festival

Hey you! Yes YOU:

I remember what it was like to be constantly drooling over other people’s incredible DIY projects but feeling like I never had the time or skill to do it on my own. It’s so frustrating to be stuck just dreaming about projects, instead of actually doing them.

I know that step from dreaming to doing can be a big one and that’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the Empowered Makers Online Festival!

This event is designed to inspire, empower and educate so that you can

stop that Pinterest scroll and finally be that powerhouse DIY-ing woman that you’re totally capable of.

The Empowered Makers Festival is a totally new take on DIY. It’s a community-based event created specifically for women. Together we’re going to crush your doubts, learn new skills and have so much fun in the process.

For 4 days, September 27 - September 30, Emilee of Mama Needs a Project is bringing you presentations from 12 amazing female makers who have found ways to get out of inspiration overload and start taking action. You’ll hear about everything from flipping furniture to working with concrete. (and so much more!)

For example, I’m going to be talking all about changing your own electrical outlets!

The best part? It’s totally free!

There’s more I’d love to tell you about this summit, but I’ll let you check out all the details for yourself.

My presentations and all the others there are totally free to you for the first 24-hours as long as you’re registered.

You can also get your hands on the DIY Action Pack for a reduced price right now right after you register!

I can’t wait to see you at the summit and to hear your favorite takeaways.

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